Thursday, August 14, 2014



            Aerification has been completed and the Golf Course is in recovery mode from the August Aerifiction.  Greens are on schedule with healing and we are going to being cutting them on a daily basis.  Following aerification we have to discontinue our normal mowing practices due to the amount of sand on the greens.  The sand topdressing will dull the mower blades therefore we decrease the frequency in which we cut them to try and salvage the mowers.   We also have to wait until the greens are dry to mow them because the wet sand will stick to the mowers and reels and will expedite the dulling of the mowers. 

            We realize that aerification is never a popular maintenance practice but it is a necessary one and there is never a good time to complete this task.  We currently aerify three times a year.  We punch very small holes in early June with bigger holes being utilized in August and November.  These practices are essential to the health and playability to our putting surfaces.  The August aerifiction is our most aggressive aerifiction due to the fact that everything is actively growing and will recover quickly.  We also have the full force of all of our summer staff to help with the process, which allows us to perform this process quickly and effectively. 

            Our plan the remainder of the week is to mow and roll the greens everyday through Sunday.   This should result in a significant improvement to greens over the next few days.   The process and mowing schedule used this year following aerification is the same that we have used in previous years.  Recovery for this process is essentially two weeks.  Now that we are beginning to get a better quality of cut on the greens we will see rapid improvement over the next few days.   

            Thank you for your patience and understanding during this time,

Gregory Boring,

Golf Course Superintendent

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